GHS Important Dates
Group and Spring Pictures- April 1
Group and Spring Pictures- April 1
At Grayson Highlands School our mission is to provide a "positive learning environment where everyone will SOAR to success." In order to achieve our mission, GHS faculty, staff and students:
Strive to be responsible Own our attitudes and actions Always behave safely and Respect ourselves and others
Our vision is further supported by a set of educational beliefs that serve as guiding principles for GHS faculty and staff.
The CDC has released new guidance regarding COVID and quarantine timeframes.
The new guidelines state:
If you test positive for COVID, you may resume normal activities after 24 hours if:
* You have NOT had a fever and are not using fever-reducing medicine (Tylenol, Motrin) AND
* Your symptoms are getting better overall
Students and staff will no longer need to stay out of school for five (5) days. Anyone testing positive, while having mild symptoms, should distance themselves from others and consider wearing a mask for 5 days.