Educational Beliefs
8 years ago
As the second year of operation at GHS entered full swing, GHS faculty recognized the need to organize and articulate a set of "core educational beliefs."
We began the process by reflecting on, recording and sharing our personal educational philosophies. On July 11th, 2012, the GHS steering committee met and further discussed the idea. The committee looked for common themes within the individual philosophies and used them as a foundation to create the following school-wide "core educational belief" statement:
“Children, who are our future, deserve:
1. To be educated in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe.
2. To be held to high academic and behavioral expectations and provided ample opportunity to meet those expectations.
3. To be celebrated for their individuality.
4. To be respected.
5. To be taught by teachers who are not only effective, but also inspirational.”
The GHS faculty and staff will strive to use these beliefs as guiding principles throughout the school year.